Revenue of the voestalpine Group
In millions of euros
The voestalpine Group’s financial performance indicators have weakened year-on-year, with the previous year’s figures at record levels both on the revenue side and in numerous earnings categories. In operational terms, the downward trend in earnings is attributable to the subdued economic momentum. In addition, negative one-off effects influenced the reporting figures in the business year 2023/24.
Revenue developed more moderately compared to the previous year. In the previous year, all four divisions of the voestalpine Group recorded record levels of revenue, which was due not least to exorbitant increases in raw material and energy costs that were passed on to the market. As a result of the normalization in the business year 2023/24, revenue decreased by 8.5% from EUR 18,225.1 million in the business year 2022/23 to EUR 16,684.3 million. Only the Metal Engineering Division was able to maintain the record figures from the previous year due to the positive development in the energy and railway infrastructure sectors. The reasons for the declines in revenue in the other divisions were divergent. Although the Steel Division was confronted with falling prices, sales volumes increased slightly. This contrasted with the situation in the High Performance Metals Division: A slightly higher price level was offset by significantly lower shipment volumes. In terms of sector trends, the construction and mechanical engineering industries in particular felt the effects of the difficult economic environment and were therefore disproportionately affected by declining sales. In contrast, the Railway Systems segment was actually able to increase its revenue year-on-year. The energy industry and the aerospace sector also recorded a very solid trend.