32. Appropriation of net profit

      In accordance with the Austrian Stock Corporation Act, the appropriation of net profit is based on the annual financial statements of voestalpine AG as of March 31, 2024. They show net retained profits of EUR 125.0 million. The Management Board proposes a dividend of EUR 0.70 per share (2022/23: EUR 1.50).

      Linz, May 27, 2024

      The Management Board

      Herbert Eibensteiner

      Reinhard Nöbauer

      Franz Kainersdorfer

      Carola Richter

      Gerald Mayer

      Hubert Zajicek

      The Consolidated Financial Statements of voestalpine AG and associated documents will be filed with the Commercial Register of the Commercial Court of Linz under company register number FN 66209 t.

      Appendix to the Notes: Investments

      This report is a translation of the original German-language report, which is solely valid.