Code of Conduct

      In its business units, voestalpine is a global steel and technology group that combines materials and processing expertise, focuses on product and system solutions in technology-intensive industries and niches using steel and other metals, and applies stringent quality standards. As a reliable partner, voestalpine takes ownership of the challenges facing its customers. Furthermore, it is fully aware of its responsibilities in its dealings not only with customers, suppliers, and other business partners but also, and in equal measure, with its employees and shareholders.

      The voestalpine Code of Conduct encourages employees of the voestalpine Group to be conscious of their individual responsibilities when carrying out their business activities. It provides the basis for the morally, ethically, and legally sound conduct of all of the Group’s employees.

      Our employees are integral to the Group’s success and are therefore key to both the trust placed in voestalpine and its reputation. This is precisely why it is important to establish unequivocal policies and principles on matters of ethics and morality in business. The Code of Conduct provides the relevant parameters to that end. By enabling each and every employee to put its principles into practice, it is also designed to form a central element of the Group’s corporate culture. The Management Board is explicitly and emphatically committed to both this Code of Conduct and a zero-tolerance policy toward violations thereof.