In the business year 2023/24, the Metal Engineering Division continued to work intensively on the implementation of projects for CO2-reduced steel production. At greentec steel, for example, key investment steps were taken with the preparatory work and the awarding of the contract for the electric arc furnace.

      In research activities relating to hydrogen-based steel production, in 2024, the HYFOR pilot plant at the Donawitz site produced the first hydrogen-direct-reduced iron and, together with scrap, subsequently produced high-quality “green” wire rod in the Group’s own Technikum Metallurgie research facility, a complete steelworks on a small scale. The Railway Systems division accelerated its strategic orientation towards becoming a railway infrastructure systems provider with targeted acquisitions in the areas of rail fastening technology, switches, and sleepers. Based on the company’s own sensor solutions and the “Zentrak” asset management software platform, the Signaling product segment has significantly developed the turnout into a fully digitalized turnout system.

      In the Tubulars product segment, the focus in the business year 2023/24 was on diversifying the product portfolio. Thanks to the strategic acquisition of a competitor’s equipment and additional investments, Tubulars is now the only supplier of seamless hollow sections in Europe. In addition, the product range is gradually being geared towards a broader customer spectrum. For example, tailor-made customer solutions in the areas of geogenic hydrogen storage, seamless tube systems for the sequestration of carbon dioxide, and in the growing geothermal energy segment have been developed and are already being used on the market.

      The Welding product segment has taken further important steps towards becoming a full-service provider that can supply both the material and the necessary equipment. One focus in the business year 2023/24 was on the further development of automated welding solutions.

      Takeover or purchase of companies or of interests in companies.