The implemented management systems for quality, safety, energy, and the environment make a crucial contribution toward maintaining and improving the environmental performance of each Group company. Packages of measures that are rolled out regularly and ongoing monitoring of progress are important elements of the environmental management system.
Action that is rooted in expertise and reflects a high degree of familiarity with environmental issues is only possible if the entire workforce has internalized a true awareness of environmental concerns. Therefore, environmental protection at voestalpine begins literally with each and every individual employee and is understood as an ongoing improvement process.
The production companies that are certified under the environmental management system represent 100% of the crude steel produced by the voestalpine Group. As of December 31, 2015, of 105 Group companies being tracked, 62 (or 59%) have an environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard, 15 (or around 14%) have also been validated in accordance with EMAS, and 23 (22%) have an energy management system that has been certified in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard.
In order to implement the Group’s ecological standards outside of Europe as widely as possible, an environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard has been instituted in other countries, for example in companies in Brazil and Sweden. This system is also being installed in Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, where the new direct reduction plant, the largest ever investment by an Austrian company in the USA, will soon begin operations.
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