In millions of euros
In millions of euros
The voestalpine Group posted all-time high operating results for the reporting period. EBITDA almost doubled year over year, from EUR 1,148.1 million with a margin of 10.5% in the business year 2020/21 to EUR 2,291.3 million with a margin of 15.4% in the business year 2021/22, also because EBITDA for the previous business year was but moderate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fully one half of EBITDA for the business year ended is attributable to the Steel Division. But the three other divisions substantially expanded their operating results year over year as well. The Metal Forming Division, for example, posted historically high operating results. At EUR 1,454.3 million with a margin of 9.7%, the voestalpine Group’s EBIT for the business year 2021/22 multiplied several times over the previous year’s EBIT of EUR 338.2 million with a margin of 3.1%.
Negative non-recurring effects impacted voestalpine’s EBIT for both the previous business year and the reporting period. In the business year 2020/21, impairment losses at two Group companies—voestalpine Tubulars and voestalpine Special Wire—lowered EBIT by a total of EUR 34 million. In the business year 2021/22, impairment losses mainly at Buderus Edelstahl (EUR 15 million) and at voestalpine Automotive Components Cartersville (EUR 64 million) reduced EBIT by a total of EUR 79 million. However, this was offset in part by a total of EUR 12 million in reversals of impairment losses.