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(PDF:) Corporate Responsibility Report 2019 (110 pages, 2.5 MB)

(PDF:) The Group (22 pages, 782 kB)

(PDF:) Preface (2 pages, 44 kB)

(PDF:) About this report (4 pages, 49 kB)

(PDF:) Figures, Data, Facts (8 pages, 566 kB)

(PDF:) Ethical corporate management (8 pages, 256 kB)

(PDF:) Human rights (2 pages, 63 kB)

(PDF:) Focus (24 pages, 581 kB)

(PDF:) Stakeholder and material topics (6 pages, 140 kB)

(PDF:) Product Sustainability (4 pages, 155 kB)

(PDF:) Climate protection (6 pages, 129 kB)

(PDF:) Society (2 pages, 130 kB)

(PDF:) Transparency in the supply chain (6 pages, 215 kB)

(PDF:) The Corporate Responsibility Strategy (7 pages, 1.3 MB)

(PDF:) Sustainable Development Goals (1 page, 710 kB)

(PDF:) The Corporate Responsibility Strategy (4 pages, 499 kB)

(PDF:) Research and development (4 pages, 411 kB)

(PDF:) Research expenditures (1 page, 49 kB)

(PDF:) Organization of research and development (1 page, 49 kB)

(PDF:) Steel — a sustainable material (1 page, 42 kB)

(PDF:) innovations for sustainable production processes (1 page, 42 kB)

(PDF:) Environment (16 pages, 452 kB)

(PDF:) Environmental Management Systems (1 page, 335 kB)

(PDF:) Operating expenses for environmental protection systems (1 page, 41 kB)

(PDF:) Environmental investments (1 page, 47 kB)

(PDF:) Air emissions (6 pages, 62 kB)

(PDF:) Water management (1 page, 42 kB)

(PDF:) Waste and recycling management (2 pages, 44 kB)

(PDF:) Energy (2 pages, 45 kB)

(PDF:) Biodiversity (1 page, 42 kB)

(PDF:) Employees (20 pages, 484 kB)

(PDF:) Employee structure (4 pages, 83 kB)

(PDF:) Equality and Diversity (4 pages, 74 kB)

(PDF:) Attractiveness as an employer (1 page, 60 kB)

(PDF:) Training and continuing education (2 pages, 64 kB)

(PDF:) Apprentices (1 page, 54 kB)

(PDF:) The Stahlstiftung (1 page, 40 kB)

(PDF:) Employee Shareholding Scheme (2 pages, 124 kB)

(PDF:) health & safety (4 pages, 116 kB)

(PDF:) Appendix (19 pages, 311 kB)


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About voestalpine

In its business segments, voestalpine is a globally leading technology group with a unique combination of materials and processing expertise. With its top-quality products and system solutions using steel and other metals, it is a leading partner of the automotive and consumer goods industries as well as of the aerospace and oil & gas industries. voestalpine is also the world market leader in complete railway systems as well as in tool steel and special sections.


50 Countries on all 5 continents
500 Group companies and locations
52,000 Employees worldwide

Earnings FY 2018/19

€ 13.6 Billion


€ 1.6 Billion


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