SDG 4 – quality educationSDG 7 – affordable and clean energySDG 8 – decent work and economic growthSDG 9 – industry, innovation and infrastructureSDG 11 – sustainable cities and communitiesSDG 12 – responsible consumption and productionSDG 17 – partnerships for the goals

We continuously conduct research on innovative products and processes, and develop novel technologies in order to remain the benchmark for both resource efficiency and environmental standards.
We pursue active know-how management, both internally and externally, and consider this the key to our success. We take on the responsibility of educating and continuing to train our researchers in-house, sharing our knowledge within the Group and exploiting the synergy effects that arise from pooling our expertise.
We place great value in long-term, trusted relationships with our customers and suppliers in the field of research too and work closely with universities and scientific institutions.
The continuous development of new products and production processes is vital for a technology-driven company such as voestalpine, so that it can differentiate itself from the competition and remain successful in the market. This is how innovations ensure the company’s future in the long term. Research and Development (R&D) thus are a material element of voestalpine’s long-term corporate strategy.
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