Profit after tax
In millions of euros
Before deduction of non-controlling interests.
EPS – Earnings per share
In euros
The finance costs of the voestalpine Group rose substantially in the business year 2022/23 owing to the interest rate increases in recent business quarters. This is reflected in the net financial result (financial expenses less financial income) of EUR –133.4 million in the reporting period compared with EUR –71.8 million a year earlier. This yields a profit before tax of EUR 1,490.8 million for the business year 2022/23, up from EUR 1,382.5 million for the business year 2021/22. Given a tax rate of 27.2% (2021/22: 22.4%), the profit after tax for 2022/23 from continued operations is EUR 1,085.3 million, up slightly by 1.2% year over year from EUR 1,072.4 million. Figures for the voestalpine Texas Group were shown in the profit after tax from discontinued operations up to the closing of the transaction at the end of June 2022. The profit after tax of EUR 257.9 million from discontinued operations for the business year 2021/22 included EUR 256.6 million in reversals of impairment losses on the higher fair value in connection with the sale of the 80% equity stake. The profit after tax from discontinued operations for the business year 2022/23 is EUR 93.4 million. As a result, the profit after tax of EUR 1,178.7 million for the reporting period is 11.4% lower year over year (2021/22: EUR 1,330.3 million).