Material Topics

      International Day of Education  (Photo)

      voestalpine uses its ongoing communications with internal and external stakeholder groups to identify those topics that are key to Corporate Responsibility Management and the relevant reporting.

      To prepare the annual CR Report, the members of the Corporate Responsibility Steering Committee draw up a list of the topics considered most important by stakeholders. This list is supplemented by those topics that have been identified owing to the company’s work in relevant bodies as well as through analyses of trade publications and a benchmark analysis of select competitors, suppliers, and customers.

      A subsequent step involves assigning a materiality rating to all those topics in regards to which voestalpine’s business activities actually or potentially trigger positive or negative effects. Information on voestalpine’s management approach, performance, and goals with respect to all material topics is published in the CR Report.

      The following topics were identified as central to the present CR Report:

      Material topics (organizational chart)

      If you would like additional information on individual topics or if you have general questions about or suggestions for the CR Report, please send them to the following email address: