Principles of the voestalpine Group’s compensation policy

Employees’ total compensation takes the form of fixed, market-rate salaries, some of which are supplemented by variable compensation.

The amount of the fixed salaries is based on the activities, role, and position of the given employee, as well as their individual experience and expertise. Any relevant statutory requirements and contracts under collective bargaining agreements or works agreements are complied with as applicable. In the event of supplementary, variable compensation, the amount of the given component of compensation is contingent on the achievement of stipulated targets. Depending on the given employee’s role, both qualitative and quantitative targets (in particular, EBIT and ROCE) are agreed. Targets are usually set for one business year at a time.

Group-wide requirements applicable to managing directors and officers concern the amount of the maximum possible variable compensation and the weighting of the targets. Compensation packages for all other employees are determined by each individual company in line with market conditions, taking into account both local practice and local requirements. Various compensation elements are possible in this connection, including non-monetary components:

  • Pension plans (e.g., in Austria, a pension fund)
  • Insurance policies (e.g., accident insurance)
  • Employer-subsidized meals
  • Coupons

The compensation packages of managing directors and officers always include variable compensation (bonus) and, in some cases, a pension plan and a company car.

About voestalpine

In its business segments, voestalpine is a globally leading steel and technology group with a unique combination of materials and processing expertise. voestalpine, which operates globally, has around 500 Group companies and locations in more than 50 countries on all five continents. It has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1995. With its top-quality products and system solutions, it is a leading partner to the automotive and consumer goods industries as well as the aerospace and oil & gas industries, and is also the world market leader in railway systems, tool steel, and special sections. voestalpine is fully committed to the global climate goals and is working intensively to develop technologies which will allow it to decarbonize and reduce its CO2 emissions over the long term. In the business year 2019/20, the Group generated revenue of EUR 12.7 billion, with an operating result (EBITDA) of EUR 1.2 billion; it had about 49,000 employees worldwide.


50 Countries on all 5 continents
500 Group companies and locations
49,000 Employees worldwide

Earnings FY 2019/20

€ 12.7 Billion


€ 1.2 Billion


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