Profit after tax
In millions of euros
Before deduction of non-controlling interests and shares of hybrid capital owners.
EPS – Earnings per share
In euros
In keeping with EBIT, the Group’s profit before tax for the business year 2019/20 is negative, too. Based on net financial income of EUR –141.3 million for the reporting period (previous year: EUR –133.7 million), the profit before tax is EUR –230.3 million. The previous year’s Statement of Comprehensive Income of the voestalpine Group shows profit before tax of EUR 645.7 million. Given the negative earnings performance in the reporting period, at EUR 13.8 million the corporate income tax is positive (previous year: EUR –187.1 million). This results in a profit after tax for the business year 2019/20 of EUR –216.5 million, compared with EUR 458.6 million in the previous year.
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