SDG 4 – Quality EducationSDG 5 – Gender EqualitySDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic GrowthSDG 16 – Peace, Justice and strong Institutions

Corporate culture
We create a respectful corporate culture in which we support and encourage trust, diversity, self-determination, and personal responsibility. To this effect the voestalpine culture, as a symbol of our Group-wide identity, is constantly developing.
We value the individual character of all our employees and their abilities, irrespective of gender, age, background, religion, sexual orientation, or any impairment, and create the preconditions for equal treatment, health promotion, and work which reflects the various phases of life.
Training and continuing education
Targeted measures are implemented to support voestalpine employees in gaining qualifications which will widen their career opportunities. Furthermore, we regard both the training of young people and lifelong learning as long-term determinants of the company’s success.
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