Environmental management and Group-wide knowledge transfer

Individual environmental policies based on Group-wide voestalpine environmental principles are the foundation for the existing environmental management systems of the voestalpine companies. The setting of concrete targets, the establishment of packages of measures, and regular monitoring of the progress being made are part of the management responsibilities of each Group company.

In order to ensure effective environmental management, it is essential that the entire workforce develop a thorough awareness of environmental concerns. Therefore, awareness-building measures complement the existing management systems. It is especially important to us that regular and target-group oriented information transfer and open dialogue take place both within the company and with external partners.

As far as the Group’s development is concerned with regard to environmental technology and environmental legislation, it is necessary to have an open and objective dialogue not only within the Group but also with external stakeholders in order to be able to identify and ensure expert action that demonstrates a high degree of awareness when dealing with environmental issues.

An exchange of knowledge between all production sites with regard to environmental protection supports the company in developing and implementing sustainable solutions. In order to ensure that this knowledge transfer takes place, voestalpine has implemented target-group oriented communication measures on various environmental topics, such as regular “jour fixe” events, specific content on the internet and intranet sites, folders, and Group meetings.


Establish a central environmental database of all production companies by the end of 2014.

Reinforcing the environmental network: efficient knowledge and information transfer between the Group’s central environmental department and the individual divisions and companies.

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