In the first half of the business year 2021/22, depreciation totaling EUR 399.2 million exceeded actual investments of EUR 238.8 million. This essentially led to a decline in non-current assets from EUR 8,444.2 million to EUR 8,219.4 million. This is contrasted by positive currency translation effects of EUR 22.5 million. Due to the operational increase in inventories (see the consolidated statement of cash flows), compared with March 31, 2021, the carrying amount of the inventories as of the reporting date rose by EUR 977.3 million.
As of September 30, 2021, voestalpine AG’s share capital was EUR 324,391,840.99 (March 31, 2021: EUR 324,391,840.99) and was divided into 178,549,163 shares (March 31, 2021: 178,549,163). The company held 28,547 of its treasury shares as of the reporting date.
Due primarily to changes in the actuarial result (positive) and the currency translations (positive), the profit after tax of EUR 485.7 million rose to total comprehensive income of EUR 529.8 million. The Annual General Meeting on July 7, 2021, resolved a dividend per share of EUR 0.50 for the business year 2020/21. Therefore, voestalpine AG has distributed dividends of EUR 89.3 million to its shareholders in the current business year. Equity increased to EUR 6,077.5 million, mainly as a result of the positive total comprehensive income.
In the current business year, particularly the adjustment of the discount rate from 0.8% as of March 31, 2021, to 1.0% as of September 30, 2021, resulted in a decrease in the provisions for pension and severance obligations and consequently in an actuarial gain of EUR 33.9 million (after deferred taxes) that is recognized in other comprehensive income. The adjustment in the discount rate led to a decrease (recognized in income) of EUR 3.5 million (or EUR 2.6 million after deferred taxes) in the provisions for long-service bonuses.