SDG 3 – Good health and well-being
SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation
SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy
SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
SDG 13 – Climate action
SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals

To achieve these goals, voestalpine utilizes the best available technologies in its production plants and continually works to boost efficiency, lower emissions, and reduce the consumption of energy subject to the parameters of the existent steel production system. Our intensive work to research new, more environmentally friendly production processes and, not least, to refine materials and products alike makes decisive contributions to the company’s environmental footprint as well.
All of these activities are supported by transparent and efficient environmental management systems (EMSs) that have already been implemented more or less across the entire voestalpine Group.
voestalpine is committed to the following principles at all production sites:
- Take comprehensive responsibility for products
- Optimize the production processes
- Establish environmental management systems
- Integrate employees into these processes and ensure environmentally-conscious conduct
- Engage in open and professional dialogues
Emissions in the Air, Soil, and Water: Minimize using the best available technologies
Process-related emissions cannot be entirely avoided due to the chemical-physical properties of existent production processes. We operate our production facilities based on the principle that the best available technologies must be applied as appropriate and in economically viable fashion. We also develop new approaches that aim to mitigate environmentally relevant effects on the air, soil, and water as best as possible.
Circular Economy and Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs)
We support holistic, comprehensive, and integrated analyses and assessments of materials (LCAs) as well as of all process and value chains within the parameters of the circular economy, also known as circularity.
Energy and Climate Policy: Commitment to net zero production
We commit to achieving net zero emissions in production, especially through comprehensive research and development of new technologies via cross-sector cooperation agreements and projects. We support the transformation toward a largely fossil-fuel-free society thanks also to our product innovations that are used, for example, in e-mobility, railway systems, and renewable energy generation. We also engage in an open and constructive dialogue with stakeholders such as political decision makers, advocacy and interest groups, civil society as well as the scientific community and environmental organizations.