The newly created Group Sustainability department at Group level has been responsible for corporate responsibility management at voestalpine since May 2023. Group Sustainability is the central coordination point for all items on the sustainability agenda within voestalpine and it represents the company externally at numerous events and initiatives related to corporate responsibility and sustainability. The following diagram shows the key areas of action in voestalpine’s corporate responsibility management, as identified by the department’s employees. The team actively contributes towards continuous improvement of voestalpine’s performance in these areas through its work.
Furthermore, a secondary organization was implemented in the reporting period in the form of a board and committee structure in order to ensure consistent cross-functional and cross-divisional cooperation at all levels.
Chaired by the CEO, the Sustainability Board is made up of the CFO, the Management Board members responsible for sustainability from the divisions, the Heads of Group Sustainability, and the Divisional Heads of Sustainability, as well as the Head of Corporate Development.
This Committee meets several times each year and discusses topics that are brought to voestalpine’s attention by stakeholders or that are becoming increasingly important in the ongoing sustainability debate. The direct and indirect effects of voestalpine’s business activities in connection with sustainability aspects are discussed. However, the focus is also on the financial risks and opportunities that arise in the short, medium, and long term. Based on this, strategic decisions are made in the committee and measures are adopted to minimize negative effects and risks and to take advantage of any opportunities that arise.