Steel cycle

Steel is 100 percent recyclable and can be recycled an infinite number of times, enabling it to have many lives instead of just one.

1 Steel works: steel

Roughly 250 kg of scrap are used in the production of one ton of crude steel.

2 Steel works: special steel

Single tapping in the steel mill contains 60 tons of tool steel.

3 Coils

4 Special steel block: tool steel

It takes 1,500 different tools to produce a new car model.

5 Pressing plant

About 30 kg of flat steel is needed for one tailgate.

6 Tailgate

One tailgate is split over about ten different pressed parts.

7 Spare part: tailgate

Production of components for the latest car models as well as spare parts for the next 10 to 15 years.

8 Recycling/crushing: tool steel

Those machines have 50 to 100 special steel knives depending on the product.

9 Scrap cube

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