Employment by countries

voestalpine is a Group that operates internationally and has around 500 Group companies and locations on five continents. As the largest production sites are in Austria, the majority of the employees–more than 19,500 or 46%–work in Austria as well.

Another 18% of employees work at sites in Germany. However, as the Group’s activities become more and more international, the percentage of employees in non-German-speaking countries continues to grow. All employees at voestalpine sites have the opportunity to organize Work Councils or to unionize.

Many internal and external voestalpine publications are provided in various languages. In addition to German and English, Dutch, Swedish, and Portuguese and, to some extent, Russian and Mandarin, are the most important languages for communications with internal and external stakeholders.

Examples for publications that are generated in multiple languages are the Code of Conduct and the employee magazine mm, which is sent to each voestalpine employee worldwide and which is also available as a download via the intranet.

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