
The Supervisory Board of voestalpine AG

em. o. Univ.-Prof. DDr. h. c. Dr. Rudolf Strasser †

February 9, 1923, to October 28, 2010
Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board from July 4, 2001, to October 28, 2010
Member of the Supervisory Board from August 1959 to July 3, 2001

Dr. Joachim Lemppenau

Chairman of the Supervisory Board (since July 1, 2004)
Initial appointment: July 7, 1999
Former Chairman of the Management Board of Volksfürsorge Versicherungsgruppe, Hamburg

KR Mag. Dr. Ludwig Scharinger

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board (since July 1, 2004)
Initial appointment: January 20, 1994
CEO of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich AG, Linz

Dr. Franz Gasselsberger, MBA

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: July 1, 2004
CEO of Oberbank AG, Linz

Dr. Hans-Peter Hagen

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: July 4, 2007
Deputy CEO of WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Vienna

Dr. Josef Krenner

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: July 1, 2004
Head of the Directorate of Finance of the Federal State of Upper Austria, Linz

Dr. Michael Kutschera MCJ. (NYU)

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: July 1, 2004
Attorney at law; partner with Binder Grösswang Rechtsanwälte OEG, Vienna

Mag. Dr. Josef Peischer

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: July 1, 2004
Director of the Chamber of Workers and Employees for Upper Austria, Linz

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Michael Schwarzkopf

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: July 1, 2004
CEO of Plansee Holding AG, Reutte

Appointed by the Works Council:

Josef Gritz

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: January 1, 2000
Chairman of the Works Council for Wage Earners of voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH & Co KG, Donawitz

Johann Heiligenbrunner

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: March 24, 2000
Chairman of the Works Council for Salaried Employees of voestalpine AG, Linz

Johann Prettenhofer

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: January 1, 2008
Chairman of the Works Council for Wage Earners of BÖHLER Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG, Kapfenberg

Hans-Karl Schaller

Member of the Supervisory Board
Initial appointment: September 1, 2005
Chairman of the Group Works Council of voestalpine AG, Linz
Chairman of the European Works Council of voestalpine AG, Linz