Apprentices design workpieces for the Corporate Responsibility Report

At voestalpine, training and continuing education have always had a high priority as a basis for excellent qualifications and secure jobs. Currently, 1,350 apprentices are being trained Group-wide.

The idea of connecting corporate responsibility with our apprentices–the future of our company–was the basis for the layout concept of this report. Currently eleven boys and one girl are in the second year of their apprenticeship for metal technology / civil engineering technology. Before starting their apprenticeship, they had to prevail against 100 other young people who had also applied to train for this apprenticeship occupation.

On the one hand, the twelve apprentices were selected to engage with the topics of sustainability, environmental protection, and social responsibility. On the other, the young people were encouraged to create workpieces according to their own ideas and designs that relate to the content and individual chapters of the report.

The apprentices were responsible for all the creative suggestions with regard to drafting the drawings and ideas about materials and the appropriate production technology; the actual implementation of the projects was carried out in the apprentice training facility under the guidance of the foreman and the apprentice trainer. The completed workpieces–each one a work of art–and the photographic layout were presented to the CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of voestalpine Dr. Wolfgang Eder at a breakfast meeting. The results can be seen in the large-scale pictures throughout this report.

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